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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Missing Her.


Unknown said...

nice pic! Safety first!

Backpacking Dad said...


It's actually a picture of the empty car seat that I can see in my mirror. I was missing her pretty hard last night when I went out, and I also feel a little lost when I see that empty car seat.

Mandy said...

Why install a mirror when you can just crane your head around at a traffic light to see if the kid's okay, and then roll forward a little at the stop light and nudge the car ahead of you... not that i'd do anything like that... oh no... not me

Backpacking Dad said...


mamatulip said...


for a different kind of girl said...

Don't tell anyone, but most afternoons, on the way home before the boys, I talk to their empty spots in the back of the van.
Then we do a version of The Ramone's "Rock and Roll High School" that is the stuff of legend.

Backpacking Dad said...

I'll catch myself talking to the empty seat because it just doesn't occur to me that she isn't there. When I look back and realize I get a little sad.

And then I rock out to the Ramones version of Spider-Man.